I passed my English pronunciation exam today!! :D "Definitely a pass." YAY!!

It's weird, isn't it... But I think wearing pigtails puts me on a happier mood, at least for a while. It's just so much fun how the hair moves and lands on my back and shoulders... Not to mention it makes me feel cute. I should wear pigtails more often. Maybe I'd be less depressed!

Seriously, it's no wonder Sayumi walks around thinking she's cute when she wears pigtails so often. I know when I wear pigtails I think "I wonder if people are jealous of my cute pigtails~! Chu~!" and I'd NEVER, EVER think anything like that otherwise... And my pigtails aren't even as cute as Sayumi's...

I dreamt of Nacchi last night. Held her really close which was warm, soft and wonderful. :D More dreams like this, please! She also wore a cute pair of light blue pantsu... o_o Remember that episode of Asayan? Ehheh...

My roommate tried to talk to me today in my room... Too bad I had just begun to film with webcam to take pics... And my room was a mess... -.-" It was awkward. Anyway, she wants to use my computer tomorrow to send an e-mail. Eeep. And she saw my room, covered in Nacchi pics... Haha. It's not that embarrasing actually, it's just... Weird.

Hrm, I could've written this entry on my LJ, but meh. Didn't feel like it.


(I'm aware my pigtails aren't even >_>)



なっちはDVDに「空 LIFE GOES ON」をうたいました。。。わー、いいですね!! x__x 



あ、月曜日にラジオSHOWがあります。GMT+9 24:00〜26:00。
The theme is songs that have 'shi' on their title (in romaji). I can play songs from many Hello! Project artists!

I want to have a theme with old Morning Musume songs again (First Time - 3rd Love Paradise) because I love those songs a lot and a lot of people missed the first time I had that theme. I think I'll have it two weeks from now unless someone suggests a better theme. :D

After that I could have a theme for the 'Golden Era' (Ikimasshoi! - No.5) and then AS FOR ONE DAY - today. Yup yup.

Well, aren't I a babble machine.




。。。でもりさこもかわいいです (^−^)


フィンランドのあきはくらいですね。。。でもきょうはゆきがふりました。。。あかるくなりました!。。。でもさむくにもなりました −_−; たいへんです。

YAY, my longest entry so far in Japanese... And it's all silly crap XD But... This is fun.

There's a guy in my Japanese class who annoys me. He seems to know a bit more than others (and the teacher mentions it often), which isn't really a problem, but his attitude makes me sick. He talks like he thinks he's better than everyone else, you can hear it in his voice. Every time he answers the teacher's question his voice is all 'pffft, this is a piece of cake'. When I was once his pair, he was using words we hadn't had in class yet and I bet it was just to show off. If he really was that good at Japanese, he could've easily known to pick easier words that I would've actually understood. But nah, he was just being arrogant. Besides, that time he made just as many mistakes in grammar as any other student, forgetting 'ni' etc.

Last Monday he sat behind me in class and I heard him go 'tsst' or 'hmph' or 'hehe' every time someone made a mistake. What a jerk. So full of himself. >_

私のラジオSHOW GMT+9:


11月14日 24:00〜26:00  

11月15日 22:00〜24:00


月曜日 H!P SPECIAL 24:00〜26:00 (different theme every week)
火曜日 16:30〜18:00 Shinderella Sing a Song~ (Hello! Project, Jpop, Finnish music, alternative)


I love Morning Musume's Wasurerannai :o It's an awesome song. Yesterday I was playing The Sims and it started playing on the radio. I got all orgasmic XD Forgot about the game completely when listening to the song.

Which reminds me, I want to start a new family with a cat :o Actually two families. One normal one (with the cat) and one disturbing one. Disturbing is fun. :( I also need more poor families because they tend to be most fun ones to play.

And I need to 'vote out' someone from the Big Brother house = kill them. I'm sorry, it's the only way to get rid of a housemate in The Sims XD Maybe shut two 'nominated' housemates to a small space and then let one out after some suffering. And see how long it takes to get them back to normal status... Hahaha, I'm so evil.