

I cut my hair!! Entry in Japanese coming up when I feel like it. I'll try to combine everything I've learned this fall :o Since the exams are coming up.

I passed my English pronunciation exam today!! :D "Definitely a pass." YAY!!It's weird, isn't it... But I think wearing pigtails puts me on a happier mood, at least for a while. It's just so much fun how the hair moves and lands on my back…

A clip, kind of acapella Link removed - Please, if you're from JPH!P and discover this here, don't discuss it on IRC or on the forum. I don't want everyone to hear this, it's just for people who actually bother to check this blog. XD

なっちのアロハロをもらいました!うれしいです!!写真集はセクシーですね。。。(^−^)なっちはDVDに「空 LIFE GOES ON」をうたいました。。。わー、いいですね!! x__x ちょうかわいい。 たぶんきょうのよる、わたしはうたをうたいます。。。ハロ…

きょうはだいがくに日本語をべんきょうしました。たのしいですね。。。「なっちはせかいでいちばんかわいいです」をならいましたwwwwwww れんしゅう!! ももことりさことどちらのほおがかわいいですか? ももこのほおがかわいいです。 。。。でもり…

There's a guy in my Japanese class who annoys me. He seems to know a bit more than others (and the teacher mentions it often), which isn't really a problem, but his attitude makes me sick. He talks like he thinks he's better than everyone …

私のラジオSHOW GMT+9:SPECIAL11月14日 24:00〜26:00 Berryz工房 ℃-ute Aa! ZYX 11月15日 22:00〜24:00 後藤真希SPECIAL まいしゅう月曜日 H!P SPECIAL 24:00〜26:00 (different theme every week) 火曜日 16:30〜18:00 Shinderella Sing a Song~ (Hello! Pr…

I love Morning Musume's Wasurerannai :o It's an awesome song. Yesterday I was playing The Sims and it started playing on the radio. I got all orgasmic XD Forgot about the game completely when listening to the song.Which reminds me, I want …

きょうはにほんごをべんきょおしました。にほんごのじゅぎょうはげつようびとすいよおびにあります。たのしいですね。でもときどきむずかしいです。つまらないぶんですね。。。ごめんね、にほんごをすこしだけはなします。Today we studied カタカナ again. …

Nacchi calendar

Pictures of Natsumi Abe 2006 Calendar! I was able to bring it here yesterday when my parents gave me a carride.Beep beep.You know, I have no idea how to add pics to posts here, so here are just links. And they're not even proper links beca…

Wtf, this updating system is lame, seriously!Anyway, to repeat myself:Today was boring.I've forgotten to pay rent, but I'll do it tomorrow.I won't download Nacchi's Alo-Hello DVD or PB, but instead wait for my order to arrive.Guahh.Hate re…

I just wanted to try uploading a picture...Momoko = cute :DMy current favourite H!P members: 安倍なつみ 藤本美貴 (Miki) 後藤真希 (Maki) 新垣里沙 (Risa) 嗣永桃子 (Momoko) 道重さゆみ (Sayu) 熊井友理奈 (Yurina) 田中れいな (Reina) 村上愛 (Megu…

きょうは6じはんにおきました。たいへんですね。わたしはでんしゃでうちにいきました。うちでおいしいひるごはんをたべました!XDHaha, so much fun. But it feels so retarded not to know any kanji.Katakana: アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテ…


Finally figured out how to update -.-"

First entry

Testing...ひらがなだけわかります。。。So no embarrasing myself in Japanese writing yet.Hajimemashite... Watashi wa Sari desu. 20sai desu. Finrandojin desu. Watashi wa finrandogo to eigo to sueedengo o hanashimasu. Nihongo mo doitsugo mo su…