

なっちはDVDに「空 LIFE GOES ON」をうたいました。。。わー、いいですね!! x__x 



あ、月曜日にラジオSHOWがあります。GMT+9 24:00〜26:00。
The theme is songs that have 'shi' on their title (in romaji). I can play songs from many Hello! Project artists!

I want to have a theme with old Morning Musume songs again (First Time - 3rd Love Paradise) because I love those songs a lot and a lot of people missed the first time I had that theme. I think I'll have it two weeks from now unless someone suggests a better theme. :D

After that I could have a theme for the 'Golden Era' (Ikimasshoi! - No.5) and then AS FOR ONE DAY - today. Yup yup.

Well, aren't I a babble machine.